
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A baby pink Double Fringed Flower made it's way to a cool friend of mine - SW0003

I am very much in love with the double fringed flower, where in you cut the petals at an angle. I got the idea and explanation to make this flower from Inna's blog and this was my first experiment. I was awestruck when the result came so beautifully. Friends whom I showed the card were impressed by the flower.

Those were the days when I uses a broken needle to practice Quilling and used cut 3mm paper strips with knife on a glass surface... Amazing days those were!!

I simply love this card of mine... I hope you like the card too!! *sigh* *excited*


Size: 9.0cm x 11.5cm
Price: INR 85/-
Code: GC0003

Please email me at or
I will let you know the details. Thank you! :)

I presented this card to one of my friend/colleague Chhavi, when she left the organisation and went to join another.

Few more clicks...

Here's a collage of all the different angles of the card.

Thanks for visiting!

♥ ~ GG

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